These are actual comments made by our customers who have taken Body Sculpting™:
I have been a faithful body sculptor for over 12 years. I love your weight program and the difference it has made in my body. I am nearly 70 years old and no one believes my age and I can do more than most people my age. It has also increased my bone density and my doctor says "keep doing whatever you are doing". - Carmon S. Oct., 2006
My wife is 71 and I am 76-years-old. We work part-time for Macy's Department Store here in Miami, Florida. Selling in a department store is a physically demanding job, especially for seniors. We are on our feet most of the day and climb stairs in the stockroom, as well as bending at the counters to show customers merchandise in the cases. We work 20 hours a week and both of us have not taken off many sick days thanks to our Geri-Fit tape. Without it, we could not have continued in this job with the energy needed through these years. Using the Geri-Fit tape twice a week for 45-minutes each time has enabled us to continue our part-time jobs all year round. The workout works all the parts of the body, and we are both glad to have used it all these years. We have used it since the year 2000 and it is now seven years later.
Alden and Adrienne P.
Miami, Florida
In September of 2005 I registered for the Body Sculpting class. My last bone density test, which was done two years ago, showed that my spine was weakening and I had Osteopenia in the hip. My mother and all of her sisters had advanced Osteoporosis. Statistics showed that soon I would be breaking bones and have the so-called “hump” on my back. Anything was worth a try.
My doctor repeated the bone density this January and was ecstatic with the results. I no longer have Osteopenia in the hip and my spine strength has greatly improved. After reaching a certain age, my body started going down hill no matter what I did. Because of the Body Sculpting class, I have actually reversed a disease! I can’t believe it!
I take Body Sculpting in Mentor, Ohio, two days a week. We have a lot of fun, plus we are getting a great workout. My metabolism has also increased. I am eating a lot more now and not gaining an ounce.
If you’re hesitant about joining, give it a try. Body Sculpting really works!
Written by: Cindy Spotz
I love your workouts. I have so many other videos by other instructors but I feel I get the best results in the least amount of time with yours. Thanks. - Carolyn Smith
I just want you to know that I just LOVE Body Sculpting! It is the perfect type of exercise for me - effective, low impact, strengthening and toning! I have never gotten the results from any other type of exercise class that I've gotten from Body Sculpting. I have never been in better shape than I have been for the past 2 1/2 years due to Body Sculpting. Thank you!
I like the results I have experienced. Body Sculpting™ is the only exercise program I have stuck with for almost 3 years. *****
I like the scheduled times of class, the personal training and continued watching by Donna. My well being, strength and posture have improved. *****
See other comments below from emails and letters we've received over the years. We thank you for writing us! It makes our day to know that we have saved another life and made a difference in the way you look and feel. This is the reason we started the company: we wanted to help people feel good about themselves. These letters make all the effort that it takes to run this business well worth it!
Francesca Fisher, Founder
Body Sculpting™ targets exact areas that you want to work on - better than most all equipment at a fitness center. I like the set class times, and it gets me out of the house for my workout. Body Sculpting™ is fun and I see results. Body Sculpting™ works. I have been taking classes since January of 2003. I have lost weight and inches. I feel better and look better. I plan to pitch all of my old clothes this summer... yeah! Body Sculpting™ is challenging and I feel good when I am done. Body Sculpting™ is an excellent program. I have lost 80 pounds since I began taking classes. I like Body Sculpting™ because it is a workout with weights. I felt the results from taking Body Sculpting™ classes fairly quickly. Body Sculpting™ has helped me strengthen my back and shoulder muscles. I also have a lot less headaches. Body Sculpting™ works! Patrice makes classes a blast and mixes things up so that we don’t get bored. She’s the best. I like that the Body Sculpting™ workouts are challenging. I like the fact that Body Sculpting™ classes work ALL major muscle areas! Each person is encouraged to work out at their own ability with no competition. Body Sculpting™ is the best exercise class I have ever taken, with the best results! Body Sculpting™ is great because it is a workout with weights and there is no jumping around. Body Sculpting™ is very effective. The classes are scheduled often enough to offer convenient times and locations for everyone. Body Sculpting™ classes are keeping me feeling and looking great. I like knowing that I am keeping illness and osteoporosis away!
I was bound and determined to have a wonderful pregnancy and easy labor and delivery. After clearing it with my doctor and under the guidance of my Body Sculpting instructor I began taking Body Sculpting classes 2 days a week and initiated a walking program on the off days. Thanks to the instructor's suggestions for tailoring certain exercises for my ever-changing pregnant body, I was able to participate in the class up until 3 weeks before I deliveredI had a strong but quick labor and delivery (5 hours of hard labor and a half hour of pushing -thanks to those evil squats she made us perform in class!) and a relatively pain-free and quick recovery (only 4lbs. to go and I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight!). I attribute this to exercising throughout my pregnancy, Body Sculpting, and nursing afterwards.
Jean Teebken, purchased Geri-Fit video
After ten years of weakness and pain from a broken back, I have discovered an answer I would like to share with my fellow seniors. I discovered an exercise video entitled Geri-Fit®, The First Workout with Weights for Older Adults ( What years of doctors' and physical therapists' appointments, medications, and treadmill walking could not do was accomplished in the first week I used this video.
American Greetings
"The employees who participate are enthusiastic and love the convenience of the on-site class. The program speaks for itself regarding the way it makes one look and feel."
Eaton Corporation
"We're very pleased that our employees are so enthusiastic about the on-site program and have continued to participate in it all this time. They have commented many times about the skill and knowledge of the instructors and the personal attention they receive from them."
The United States Weightlifting Federation, Inc.
"The United States Weightlifting Federation, has reviewed the training manual put out by Body Sculpting by Exterior Designs, Inc.® and, finds the manual a comprehensive aid to coaches of women seeking fitness and better health through exercise programs using dumbbells. The description of the exercises and stretching movements are clear and concise."
The President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
"Thank you for sending the Body Sculpting™ training and program manuals. I wish everyone could take the time to study the manuals and learn the fundamentals of free weight use!"
Donna Mizer, client
"I have been sculpting my body for almost three years now. Thank you for such a wonderful program. I truly enjoy it and notice a difference (positive) in my body. I need to lose about 10 to 15 pounds, but the Body Sculpting™ class is wonderful and makes a difference."
Lakewood Adult Education and Recreation Department
"Our residents and staff have been extremely pleased with the high quality of instruction and teaching personnel. The classes are very popular and well attended. One reason for this is that the instructors are professional, knowledgeable, and very personable."
City of Brooklyn, Ohio
"We have heard positive comments about the class and the instructor. It seems to be a quality program geared for those who prefer using weights rather than the aerobic-style workout."
Nordonia High School
"Enrollment has grown in popularity over the years. The persons responsible for running this program have been cheerful and helpful."
City of Westlake
"Many of our participants enjoy this program because of the personal instruction received in the use of free weights. A very worthwhile program, highly recommended."
City of Brook Park
"Body Sculpting™ class has become one of the most popular programs we offer. The class provides one-on-one instruction while meeting the demands of the class, be it beginners or those with more experience. The popularity of the class is evident by the dramatic attendance increase since the class began. I feel the Body Sculpting™ class would be a fine addition to any recreation program and recommend the program to those interested."
The University of Akron
"Francesca Fisher and her associates were quite professional to work with, always responding to inquiries. They were very understanding and flexible. Their instructor was well received by class members. It was a pleasure to present Body Sculpting™ classes through our program."
Thomas F. Imperiale, M.D.
"I was impressed with the careful, intensive, and thorough approach to conditioning promoted by your program. And having taken the workout session on full scale, I was surprised at how "well-worked" some of my normally lesser used muscle groups were feeling the following day. I was convinced that this was a special kind of workout. By combining regional exercises using light-to-moderate-weight dumbbells to enhance muscle tone with a well-paced format to enhance cardiovascular fitness, Body Sculpting™ is a time-efficient, well-balanced workout for anyone. I congratulate you on a sensible, well-balanced, and innovative fitness program."
Kent State University
"This ia a letter of recommendation of the Body Sculpting™ program. The programs are always rated highly on student evaluations. I believe that a choice to offer the Body Sculpting™ programs would result in an organization's expectations being met, and I am pleased to be able to recommend them."
Vermillion Comprehensive Healthcare Center
David J. Grayson, M.D. "I wholeheartedly endorse Body Sculpting™ not only because it can make you look and feel great, but because it is purely GOOD FOR YOU!"
Lorain County JVS
"The employees who have participated since last January are enthusiastic and especially like the convenience of the on-site class."